
To come to Le Clos Des Palmes by car from Saint-Raphaël, take the Corniche road direction Cannes for about 2,5km. Call me  when you arrive at SLC garage, I will come and get you; the villa is 500m further.

G.P.S. coordinates    lat. 43° 25. 060 N - long. 6° 47. 706 E


If you come by train, then click here; if you come by plane, follow this link.

Le Clos des Palmes

Your holiday rental on Cote d'Azur

93 avenue des Oliviers 83700 Saint Raphaël

Tel : (0033) (0)4 94 53 83 12 Cell : (0033) (0)6 81 12 89 54

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